Hydrometallurgical Lithium battery recycling steps:
During the hydrometallurgical process for recycling lithium-ion batteries, the following steps are typically undertaken:
1. Crushing and Leaching:
The batteries are first crushed to expose the internal components.
Leaching is then performed to dissolve the metals into a solution. This step often uses acids or bases to facilitate the dissolution.

2. Solution Treatment:
The pH of the leachate is adjusted to control the solubility of different metals.
Precipitants are added to selectively precipitate the target metals out of the solution. This step may involve multiple cycles to separate different metals.
3. Refining and Purification:
The precipitated metals undergo further refining and purification processes to achieve high purity.
Techniques such as solvent extraction, electrowinning, or additional chemical treatments are employed to produce high-quality metal products.